Berea KY Tourism Learnshops
berea ky tourism’s 10th anniversary
festival of learnshops celebration
july 15-24, 2022
Arrive a visitor. Emerge an artist.
Berea KY Tourism LearnShops offer the next step in your artistic journey. With year-round courses you can explore a broad range of art, including music, painting, authentic Appalachian crafts, woodworking, and so much more. Whether you are looking for a class for beginners or you are already an experienced artist, take your skills to the next level with LearnShops.
All programs are taught by talented artists and professionals. The LearnShop programs include seasonal weekend LearnShops, The Berea Festival of LearnShops, and the popular Make It Take It Give It LearnShop for the Holidays.
NOTE: We are following guidance from the Kentucky Department of Public Health, which was issued on July 29, 2021.
Class sizes are reduced to allow six-feet spacing per person to adhere to recommended social-distancing guidelines. Hand sanitizer and disposable masks will be provided. We are requesting that masks be worn.
Educators: We are working to provide Professional Development Credit for future programs.
Submit your email address to be included on the LearnShops mailing list.