Hokuto City, Japan

“We should mutually teach and learn from each other, without shame or pride.”

– Yukichi Fukuzawa

"The key to community is the acceptance, in fact the celebration of our individual and cultural differenced. It is also the key to world peace."

– M. Scott Peck

"Coming together is a BEGINNING. Staying together is PROGRESS. Working together is SUCCESS.

– Henry Ford

mt fuji

Hokuto City

Hokuto City has a population of approximately 45,000 people and is a rare area in the world that owns two UNESCO Eco Parks, offering views of some of Japan’s most beautiful mountain scenery, including Mt. Fuji to the south, Mt. Yatsugatake to the north, and the Southern Alps to the west. It is popular as a resort area and is easily accessible, just two hours west of Tokyo by car or train and is visited by approximately 4 million tourists each year. It is also known as Japan’s number one producer of mineral water, and we offer Japanese sake, whiskey, and local beer that take advantage of the cool climate and clear water, as well as wine brewed with grapes grown in an environment with the longest amount of sunshine in Japan. It is gaining recognition worldwide, winning awards at international competitions.



北杜市は人口約45,000人で、南に富士山、北に八ヶ岳、北に八ヶ岳など日本有数の美しい山岳景観を望む、ユネスコエコパークを2つ有する世界でも珍しい地域です。 そして西には南アルプス。 東京から車や電車で西へ2時間とアクセスも良く、リゾート地として人気があり、年間約400万人の観光客が訪れます。

日本一のミネラルウォーターの生産地としても知られ、冷涼な気候と清冽な水を活かした日本酒、ウィスキー、地ビールや、日本一の環境で育ったブドウで醸したワインをご用意しております。 日本の太陽の光。 国際コンクールで賞を受賞するなど、世界的にも認知度が高まっています。

 Our Sister Region Program

Madison County Kentucky and Hokuto City, Yamanashi Prefecture, Japan, are the participants in the only sister-region in the world. The relationship began in 1988 to honor Paul Rusche, a missionary from Kentucky who aided the Japanese people in Yamanashi before and after WWII, when delegations from Berea and Takane exchanged visits.



Our History

The membership has changed over the years. It started as a sister-city exchange between Berea and Takane and gradually became a sister-region in 1990 when the Japanese towns of Nagasaka, Kobuchisawa and Oizumi joined Takane while Richmond and all of Madison County joined Berea. Economic pressures caused the Japanese region to evolve further in 2004 when the towns of Takanen Nagasaka and Oizuma merged with Sutama, Hakushu, Akeno and Mukawa to form Hokuto City. Kobuchisawa merged with Hokuto City in 2006.

年数を重ねると交流の対象も変わってきました。ベリア市と高根の姉妹都市交流として始まり、1990年には長坂、小淵沢、大泉が高根に加わり、リッチモンドとマディソン郡がベリアに加わり、徐々に姉妹地域となりましま。経済的な圧力により日本各地では市町村合併が進み、2004 年には高根、長坂と大町が須玉町、白州町、明野町、武川町と合併し て北杜市が誕生し、小淵沢町も2006年には北杜市と合併しました。


Explore the Sister Region Program!

Visit Hokuto Yourself!

Learn all about Hokuto City everything you need for  your next international adventure!

Click HERE to start planning your trip!


2023 Visit to Hokuto

In October 2023, Delegates from Madison County arrived in Hokuto City to learn all about their government, business, arts, and education.

Click here to see their experience!

2023 年 10 月には、マディソン郡の__代表団が北杜市を訪れ、政治、ビジネス、芸術、教育について学びました。彼らの経験についてはこちらをご覧ください




2022 Visit to Berea

In November 2022, Berea was fortunate to host delegates from Hokuto City, Japan in the first exchange since Covid-19.

See their experience here!

2022 年 11 月、ベリアは新型コロナウイルス感染症 (Covid-19) 以降初の交流として、日本の北杜市から___名の代表者を迎えることができました。こちらをぜひご覧ください。

Arts Education through Sister City Exhange Programs

The Madison County Homestay Delegation & Children’s Painting Exchange Program
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