Channeling Grimm

Spotlight Playhouse 214 Richmond Road North, Berea

Get ready to laugh, gasp, and cheer as the Grimm Brothers' fairy tales hit the small screen like you’ve never seen before! "Channeling Grimm" is a one-of-a-kind production that flips […]

Berea College Planetarium Shows

Margaret A. Cargill (MAC) Natural Sciences and Health Building 271 N Main St., Berea

The Berea College planetarium hosts shows twice a week in our large planetarium. The shows are open to the public and held every Friday at 7PM and Sunday at 4PM. […]

Peter Pan

Spotlight Playhouse 214 Richmond Road North, Berea

Fly away to Neverland and experience the timeless magic of "Peter Pan!" This enchanting adventure invites you to join Wendy, John, and Michael as they soar with Peter Pan to […]

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