Step into the mysterious world of Mystery at 13th Street, where nothing is quite as it seems! This thrilling production takes audiences on a whirlwind adventure through the eerie Von Drugen mansion, a place where kids are disappearing, and secrets lurk around every corner. As the quirky Community Club investigates, they must unravel the strange happenings before they, too, become part of the mystery. With plenty of twists, turns, and a touch of humor, this show is perfect for families and mystery lovers alike.
Filled with colorful characters, from the odd but lovable Dr. Von Drugen to the clever kids trying to solve the puzzle, Mystery at 13th Street promises to captivate audiences of all ages. Whether you enjoy suspenseful storytelling, quirky humor, or edge-of-your-seat excitement, this production offers it all. Don’t miss your chance to be part of the adventure—grab your tickets and find out what really happens on 13th Street!